Testing application and evaluation materials

To make sure that the application and evaluation process and materials designed are able to help identify valuable solutions, we test them with relevant users.

We create an initial version of what the application materials and experience would look like. We then share this with potential applicants and reviewers.

We ask potential applicants:

  • Does the process allow you to talk about your solution in a succinct and comprehensive way?
  • Does the process allow you to demonstrate that your solution meets the required criteria?
  • Is the overall application experience smooth and enjoyable?

We ask reviewers:

  • Is the resulting application likely to give you relevant and sufficient information about the solution so that you can effectively assess its suitability?

We do the same for the evaluation materials and experience. We share these with reviewers and ask:

  • Is the proposed evaluation process likely to help you identify relevant solutions?
  • Is the overall evaluation experience smooth and enjoyable?

We update both the application and the evaluation processes and materials based on the feedback received.

See also Recording and making sense of feedback.

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